I knew I wanted to become a writer when I was 8 years old. I knew it was the only profession I would pursue at age 20 after veering off across other paths. Proving to my family that I knew what I wanted and would not fail them took time and effort. There have been many instances that have shaped my life and subsequently my opinions about people, places and situations. Being a part of the mass media industry has given me the chance to voice these opinions and to hone them according to the task of the day.
From what I gather this assignment is a reflection of what I have to offer to this course. When I started reading newspapers I was always more interested in the editorial column than the front page. Reading real opinions by real people/writers who did not have to adhere to rules or common news practices interested me. I have since entertained the idea that someday when I’m done building my career I could have my own column in a reputable newspaper.
During this assignment I chose a few topics that I found relevant and interesting, I picked stories and news that I could relate to so that my work would be honest. I am not the most current affairs savvy person around but I do have an opinion about what’s going on. While working on this assignment I realised that there is so much going on with the world at large and how I cannot wait to contribute to the mass media industry.
I set out to present a journalistic blog which encompassed my opinions on certain current affairs topics. I hope that this will better prepare me for my career in the long run, as a journalist/creative person must be decisive and must have a know how about his/her chosen field.
I chose to write a blog because online news production and online forms of media are very relevant these days. A blog is more accessible, has fewer rules and is allowed to be subjective. The next step in my professional career would be to get as many by lines as I can within Australia. I am looking forward to undertaking internships with news channels and newspapers and hopefully offering my prowess as a writer to as many mass media fields as I possibly can. The sky is the limit.
I believe my blog can engage today’s reader because it is relevant, it is honest and it is straightforward. My topics like relief for Haiti, the Twitter Revolution and my tribute to J.D. Salinger are all recent relevant topics. They are the product of a thinking journalistic mind.